Онлайн трансляция | 12 сентября

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Vicegerent of the Lavra consecrated premises of the Sunday school


In the Lavra, the Sunday school was opened at the icon-painting workshop . There will also be group classes, where the bell ringing and photography are taught. The Vicegerent of the Kiev-Caves Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl performed the rite of consecration of the first floor of the icon-painting workshop premises, where the classes for Sunday school take place.

During the prayer service, His Eminence Pavel was joined by the Dean of the Lavra, Archimandrite Anthony, and the Head of the Information and Public Relations Department, Archimandrite Hilarion. The brethren of the Holy Caves Monastery and the supervisor of the icon-painting school, nun Theodora, also prayed during the divine service.

At the end of the prayer service, Metropolitan Pavel consecrated the premises, and also delivered an archpriest blessing to everyone.

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Vicegerent consecration

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