Онлайн трансляция | 12 сентября

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On the decision of the Economic Court of Kyiv dated 10 August 2023

“Everyone witnessed flagrant violations of the law by the court during the trial” – archpriest Mykyta Chekman, the lawyer of the Kyiv Caves Lavra, stated it in his comment concerning the decision of the Economic Court of the City of Kyiv dated 10 August 2023, the Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church informs.

‘The court, in fact, allowed the lawlessness, allowed the eviction of the monks from the Kyiv Caves Lavra’, said the lawyer.

According to him, ‘everyone witnessed flagrant violations of the law by the court during the trial, and it gives reason to think that the court is not independent in taking decisions’.

As Archpriest Mykyta Chekman pointed out, the court did not involve the monks themselves in the trial, which was a gross violation. In addition, the court considered the case as an economic legal proceeding, whereas the eviction of people from their housing takes place as a civil legal proceeding. At the same time, the court did not take into account the fact that the monks of the Lavra have the right to housing.

In his comment, the lawyer spoke about a number of other violations on the part of the court as well.

The defender of legal rights also noted that the Preserve had started to restrict access to the territory of the Lavra for the faithful without waiting for the court decision to come into force.

The lawyer reminded that a court decision becomes effective only after its consideration in a court of appeal instance.

‘We will be waiting impatiently for the full text of the decision so as to see what arguments the judge was guided by when taking the above decision. And we will file an appeal’, he added.

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